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Health insurance for labour migrants in The Netherlands

If you come to the Netherlands from abroad to work and live, you will need healthcare insurance. The healthcare insurance that you have taken out in your country of origin will not be valid if you are staying in the Netherlands for a longer period of time. You will be able to take out Dutch healthcare insurance as soon as you are registered with the municipality where you will be living. It may now be difficult to choose the right healthcare insurance from all the options available. That is why HollandZorg has developed a special healthcare insurance for labour migrants. This makes it much easier to take out proper insurance.

HollandZorg insurance for foreign nationals

Healthcare insurance for a foreign national of HollandZorg has a number of advantages compared to other healthcare insurances. We take into account the situation in which you find yourself as a foreigner. Living and working in the Netherlands is challenging enough. That is why we prefer to make taking out health insurance as easy as possible. Your employer can help you take out your insurance. He or she will also have access to your policy administration and may be able to apply for care allowance for you. The monthly healthcare premium is deducted directly from your salary, so you do not have to think about it. We have also thought about our customer service. Your employer will have a permanent contact person who can help you if necessary.

Receiving care within Europe

With a HollandZorg healthcare insurance you will receive a digital healthcare pass. This also serves as an EHIC card. This means that you are not only insured for care within the Netherlands, but also for necessary care abroad. This is convenient if you are staying temporarily in another country within Europe. Each country is different where you can go with the EHIC digital card. Reimbursements may also vary. In this case, please always contact us so that we can find the right healthcare provider for you.

Health insurance for labour migrants in The Netherlands